September 27, 2009

Arrival in Amsterdam (Sept 27, 2009)

Well, I'm in Amsterdam.

As predicted the partiers in Reykjavik were full at it when we left around 5 am.  A couple stopped and offered me a lift when I was standing outside to get some air.  Nice people.  They need a larger airport, or they need to stop emptying Iceland of tourists on Sunday morning at 6 am.  3 hour flight, saw The Faroe Islands, some ships, some offshore drilling platforms, and a lot of Dutch people.

Glad I'm in the Dam.  Took a train into town, across the street, and that's where I am for the next 10 days.  Cool room.  Tiny, but funky.  Air conditioning, WiFi, LCD TV, and room for a friend if I make any here.  Bwahahahaha...geddit?

I'll see if I can get some pictures going, but I only have my video camera and no iMovie here.  So you kiddies will have to wait.

I think I'll go out for a steak.  This town is just absolutely pumping with people.  It's a fantastic city, although I had my belongings stolen the last time I was here.  I'll give ADam another try, but I won't give that to Rome.

Anybody know where I should visit?  I have a couple days before my software conference starts, so I thought I'd rent a bike, do some stupid things, and... ya.

September 26, 2009

Travel: Reykjavik, Iceland, Sept 26, 2009

So I am off on my travels.

Oh, let me know if anybody is reading this. If so, I'll keep adding to this over my recent travels...where she stops, nobody knows.

It's Saturday night, and I'm deciding to blog. How exciting is that? Well there is a reason for that. I have a flight out of Iceland at 8 am, so I have to be up at 4, out of the room at 4:20 for breakfast, to catch a bus to the airport at 4:50, which is prescheduled. I get to wait in their tiny airport. On the way in yesterday morning at 5:30 am (meh) I automatically grabbed a taxi, as I'm used to using taxis in Toronto. Well, it cost me close to $100 for a 30 minute ride into town. That's insane, if you ask me. Nice drive, if I could see some of it. Too early for the sun, so I will see little of Iceland. Someone told me not to venture out of the city if I had 2 days. Glad I haven't as the drive in was just like parts of Ontario. Then it's all rolling green land.

Anyway, let's talk about last night. Reykjavikers (?) like to party. Their economy went down the shitter and they flushed their Conservative government down right after it, so now it's in recovery mode. They like to drink. But they save money on weekends by staying at home until about 1 am, then come out in droves. Then it's full tilt til about 6 am. That is a recipe for pure insanity. So that's exactly what is produced. By 4 am, two guys had stolen my beer and left the bar we were in, having a chat. I was supposed to go with them, but as I paid my bill, they took off. Nice. Hospitality -1. That was a downer. I didn't know where any comfortable reasonable bar is, so I headed home. All the bars were completely packed, as in "over-crowded" and I don't speak their language. So I retired to my hotel room.

Now I like a good night out. But either I'm getting older (no I won't reveal) or today's young folk are really going overboard these days. Imagine shoulder to shoulder loud music yelling and screaming in a drab room. I found one place that Bjork hangs out in, and she wasn't there, which is just fine with me. I met a Danish guy up at the bar who was trying to pay with Euros, and was denied by a semi-rude bartender. "Can I use Euros?" followed by a "" Anyway I told this Danish guy I was on my way to Copenhagen to meet my newborn son. He thought that was hilarious. I hope you get the joke.

This town has tiny bars. I thought Scotland was the only place to have that, but no. This place is more like a fishing town that a past President visited. Oh, sorry, that's exactly what this town is. Nice stores along the main shopping street, but they all seem transparent as they sell stuff mostly from elsewhere. Watches and stuff you know are not from here. I never understood that, as they're pointed towards tourists that come from all reaches of the world. Anyway, back to this bar. This one place had wall paint the shade of #33CC99 if you can believe it (look it up). A gross light bluegreen that I thought only public park washrooms in Toronto used. Horrible memories as a kid in those cement and steel stinky public spaces. The bar across the street has a live band for older people, but it's also in their language and they're all singing. Place is packed both nights. Guys with huge ass beards up on stage playing odd instruments. Folky kinda stuff I'm just not into, unless I'm gallons-in.

So what's up with that though? Party like Frosh Week? I never liked it in first year anyway. When you can't even talk, what's the point? There's little social about that, or am I missing something? I like to go out and be social with people. I can stay at home, listen to loud music and get tanked. But I don't.

Here are some pics of close to where I am now:

This one is further down the shopping street. Nice places, but this nice place turns into a complete jungle at 1 am. People toss their bottles and cans in the street (right in front of me) and they clean it up before the next day starts.

I walked past here last night into downtown to see if there are any more places. This place isn't very big. Reminds me of London, Ontario, where you have to search for a place that's comfortable. Probably why The Alex P. Keaton became a destination, as it was comfortable, when all the other places were obnoxious and cheap.

Anyway, I leave tomorrow morning. My throat is still hurting as I haven't shaken the cold I got in Canada. It's difficult to arrange anything formal as I'm travelling alone (it's how I roll) so it's not like me and the ladyfriend are going out for dinner. That would open so many other places which I just won't saunter into by myself. I find it easier to find a pub and ask for a menu and a Guinness.

My next location should prove to be much easier, for many reasons. Any guesses as to where I am going? It's East. It's in Europe. I have a software conference there. I will be by the train station in a room by myself for 10 days. It should be super fun, whatever I get up to.


Same old crap, different bucket.